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DashboardDesignerViewerSourceDataHandling Property DataPA OpenAnalytics
DataPA OpenAnalytics API Reference
Gets and sets a value that indicates how the control will manage source data in a dashboard when opened in a viewer only client

Namespace: DataPAEnterpriseDashboard
Assembly: DataPAEnterpriseDashboard (in DataPAEnterpriseDashboard.dll) Version: (
public DashboardDesignerViewerSourceDataHandlingEnum ViewerSourceDataHandling { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: DashboardDesignerViewerSourceDataHandlingEnum
A value that indicates how the control will manage source data in a dashboard when opened in a viewer only client

Return Value

Type: DashboardDesignerViewerSourceDataHandlingEnum
A value that indicates how the control will manage source data in a dashboard when opened in a viewer only client
Possible Values are; Cache = 0: If a dashboard is opened in a viewer only client, the source data will not be loaded into memory. However, it will be written to a temporary file on disk, and loaded on demand if required. Load = 1: The source data will always be loaded for a dashboard. NoData = 2: If a dashboard is opened in a viewer only client, the source data will not be loaded into memory and will not be available unless the dashboard is re-opened. This will prevent any editing of the dashboard objects.
See Also