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DashboardDesigner Class DataPA OpenAnalytics
DataPA OpenAnalytics API Reference
Enterprise Dashboard control that exposes functionality to view and edit DataPA Enterprise ManagedDashboard objects.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DataPAEnterpriseDashboard
Assembly: DataPAEnterpriseDashboard (in DataPAEnterpriseDashboard.dll) Version: (
public class DashboardDesigner : UserControl, 

The DashboardDesigner type exposes the following members.

Public methodDashboardDesigner
"Creates and returns a new Dashboard object"
Public methodAddDashboardObject
Adds a new DashboardObject to the current tab.
Public methodAddDashboardObjectsContextMenu
Builds and returns a context menu with items for each Dashboard Object.
Public methodAddNewTab
Adds a new DashboardTab object to the current ManagedDashboard object.
Public methodAllPagesFromObject
Returns a collection containing all page objects referenced by a DashboardObject.
Public methodAutoRefreshOnClient
Gets a value that indicates if dashboards should autorefresh on the client.
Public methodCancelRefreshQuery
Public methodCheckForUpdates
Checks for any available updates.
Public methodCloseDashboard
Closes the currently open ManagedDashboard object. If force TRUE, the user will not be prompted to save any changes.
Public methodCopyDashboardObject(String)
Copies to the clipboard the Dashboard object.
Public methodCopyDashboardObject(DashboardObject)
Copies to the clipboard the Dashboard object.
Public methodCopyDashboardTab(String)
Copies to the clipboard the Dashboard tab.
Public methodCopyDashboardTab(DashboardTab)
Copies to the clipboard the Dashboard tab.
Public methodCreateDashboard
Create a new ManagedDashboard object and opens it in the control.
Public methodCreateQuery
Creates a new query in the current ManagedDashboard object.
Public methodCutDashboardObject
Copies to the clipboard and deletes the Dashboard object.
Public methodCutDashboardTab
Copies to the clipboard and deletes the Dashboard tab.
Public methodDashboardObjectControlFromID
Returns the control that renders a dashboard object in the dashboard
Public methodDashboardObjectFromID
Returns a DashboardObject object referenced by a given ID.
Public methodDashboardObjectPageFromID
Returns a containing page object referenced by a DashboardObject ID.
Public methodDashboardObjectPageFromObject
Returns a containing page object referenced by a DashboardObject.
Public methodDashboardPageFromID
Returns a containing page object referenced by a Tab ID.
Public methodDashboardTabPageFromID
Returns a containing page object referenced by a Tab ID.
Public methodDashboardWorkspaceFromID
Returns a containing Workspace object referenced by a Tab ID.
Public methodDashboardWorkspaceFromPage
Returns a tab workspace object from the contained page.
Public methodDeleteDashboardObject
Deletes the Dashboard object.
Public methodDeleteQuery
Deletes the query specified by ID. If ID is not specified (or is a blank string), the query specified by SelectedQuery is modified
Public methodDeleteSelectedTab
Deletes the current selected DashboardTab objects.
Public methodEditDashboardObject
Opens the object definition dialog box for the Dashboard object.
Public methodGetDataViewerDisplayLayout
Gets the layout of a specific data viewer as an XML string.
Public methodGetDataViewerKeys
Gets a collection that contains the key of each available data viewer in the dashboard.
Public methodGetDockingLayout
Gets the current docking layout to and from an XML string.
Public methodGetTabLayout
Gets the layout of a specific tab in the form of an XML document string.
Public methodHideDataViewers
Removes all the source data dataviewers from the display
Public methodImportDashboard
Imports a dashboard and adds it to an existing open dashbpoard.
Public methodInitialise
Method that needs to be called before the control can be used.
Public methodIsPageShowing
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the docking page specified by PageType and Index is visible. (Index is only applicable if the PageType is DashboardPageType.DataViewer, and refers to the index of the specific DataViewer page in the DataViewerPages array.).
Public methodLoadDashboardLayout
Applies the layout stored in the tabs LayoutXML property to the display.
Public methodManageSchedule
Shows the DataPA ManageSchedule dialog.
Public methodModifyQuery
Modifies the query specified by ID. If ID is not specified (or is a blank string), the query specified by SelectedQuery is modified.
Public methodOKToClose
If the control contains a ManagedDashboard object with unsaved changes, will prompt the user to save the changes. returns False if the user selects cancel.
Public methodOpenDashboard
Opens a ManagedDashboard object from disk.
Public methodOpenDashboardDelayedRender
Opens a ManagedDashboard object from disk and delays the rendering of the dashboard until after a query is refreshed.
Public methodOpenDashboardErrorHandled
Opens a ManagedDashboard object from disk, allowing override of default error handling.
Public methodOpenDashboardFromByteArray
Opens a ManagedDashboard object from byte array.
Public methodOpenDashboardFromService(String)
Shows the dialog to allow the user to open a ManagedDashboard object from a DataPA Enterprise Service.
Public methodOpenDashboardFromService(String, String)
Opens a ManagedDashboard object from a DataPA Enterprise Service.
Public methodPasteDashboardObject
Creates a new DashboardObject in the DashboardTab specified by SelectedTab using the contents of the clipboard.
Public methodPasteDashboardTab
Creates a new DashboardTab in the dashboard using the contents of the clipboard.
Public methodPrint
Prints the current ManagedDashboard object
Public methodPrintPreview
Opens the print preview dialog for the current ManagedDashboard object.
Public methodPrintSetup
Opens the print setup dialog for the current ManagedDashboard object.
Public methodPublishDashboard
Publishes the current Dashboard to a remote DataPA Enterprise Server.
Public methodRebuildDisplay
Rebuilds the display.
Public methodRefresh (Overrides ControlRefresh.)
Public methodRefreshAllObjects
Forces a redraw of all the Dashboard objects.
Public methodRefreshObject
Forces a redraw of the given Dashboard object.
Public methodRefreshQueries
Refreshes all the querys.
Public methodRefreshQuery
Refreshes the query specified by ID. If ID is not specified (or is a blank string), the query specified by SelectedQuery is modified.
Public methodRestoreDockingDefaults
Restores the window docking to the default configuration.
Public methodSaveDashboard
Saves the current managedDashboard object to disk.
Public methodSaveDashboardLayout
Updates the Tab.LayouXML property from the currently displayed layout.
Public methodSelectedTabWorkspace
Gets the workspace container of the currently selected DashboardTab.
Public methodSelectTab
Selects the DashboardTab object specified by Index.
Public methodSetAutoRefreshOnClient
Method to set a value that indicates if dashboards should autorefresh on the client.
Public methodSetDataViewerDisplayLayout
Applies an XML layout string to a specific data viewer.
Public methodSetDockingLayout
Sets the docking layout from an XML string.
Public methodSetTabLayout
Sets the layout of a specific tab using an XML document string.
Public methodShareQuery
Shares the query specified by ID. If ID is not specified (or is a blank string), the query specified by SelectedQuery is modified
Public methodShowAbout
Shows the About window.
Public methodShowCachedAddresses
Shows the cached addresses dialog
Public methodShowCalculatedColumns
Shows the calculated columns dialog.
Public methodShowDashboardObjectHTML
Opens a window showing the HTML source for the Dashboard object.
Public methodShowDataManagement
Shows the Data Management dialog
Public methodShowEditTabTitle
Displays the Edit Tab Title dialog box to allow the tab title to be edited.
Public methodShowHelp
Shows the help file.
Public methodShowHideWindow
Allows specific docking windows to be shown and hidden.
Public methodShowLastRunDetails
Shows the details of the last run of a query.
Public methodShowManagePublished
Shows the Manage Published dialog.
Public methodShowProperties
Shows the properties dialog
Public methodShowRegister
Shows the DataPA License dialog.
Public methodShowSecurity
Shows the DataPA Security dialog.
Public methodShowSelectConnection
Shows the DataPA SelectConnection dialog.
Public methodShowSetup
Shows the DataPA Setup dialog.
Public methodTabWorkspaceFromPage
Returns a containing workspace object referenced by contained page.
Public propertyAboutMenuItemLabel
Gets and sets the label of the about menu item on the context menu of charts.
Public propertyAboutMenuItemLink
Gets and sets the link of the about menu item on the context menu of charts.
Public propertyAllowManageConnections
Public propertyAllowTabDesignModeWhenViewerOnly
Gets and sets a value that indicates if the interface allows the user to re-arange objects in the tab when in viewer only mode.
Public propertyBackgroundColor
Public propertyBackgroundImage (Overrides ControlBackgroundImage.)
Public propertyClientConfig
The ClientConfig Object used to provide the core DataPA client UI functionality.
Public propertyClipboardContainsDashboardObject
Gets a value that indicates whether the clipboard contains valid data to support the PasteDashboardObject method.
Public propertyClipboardContainsDashboardTab
Gets a value that indicates whether the clipboard contains valid data to support the PasteDashboardTab method.
Public propertyDashboard
Gets the current ManagedDashboard object.
Public propertyDataViewerPages
Gets an array of the currently available DataViewer pages.
Public propertyDebugLogging
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether debug logging is enabled.
Public propertyDelayedRender
Gets a value that indicates if the rendering of the open dashboard has been delayed.
Public propertyEnabled
Public propertyFloatingWindowEnvironment
Gets a value that indicates if the current environment supports floating docking windows.
Public propertyFontListItems
Gets a collection of List Items containing a visual list of available fonts.
Public propertyForegroundColor
Public propertyFullScreenMode
Gets and sets a value that indicates if the control is in full screen mode.
Public propertyHasDashboard
Gets a value that indicates if the control has an open ManagedDashboard object.
Public propertyHasData
Gets a value that indicates if the ManagedDashboard object in the control has any data that can be used to build Dashboard Objects.
Public propertyHasObjects
Gets a value that indicates if the ManagedDashboard object in the control has one or more DashboardObject objects
Public propertyHasQueries
Gets a value that indicates if the ManagedDashboard object in the control has one or more DashboardQuery objects.
Public propertyHasTabs
Gets a value that indicates if the ManagedDashboard object in the control has one or more DashboardTab objects.
Public propertyInitialised
Gets a property indicating whether or not the Initialise method has been called. The control cannot be used while this value is false.
Public propertyIsPublishingDashboard
Public propertyNavigatorContextButtonCollection
Gets the Button Collection on the Navigator to allow the developer to add their own buttons.
Public propertyPaletteMode
Gets or sets palette style that is applied to the dashboard control to change its and any child forms appearance.
Public propertyPauseAutoRefresh
Gets and sets a property that indicates if the autorefresh of queries should be pause.
Public propertyPreparingPrint
Gets a property that indicates if the control is currently processing the prepare print operation.
Public propertyPublishServer
Gets and sets the Server URL for DataPA Enterprise
Public propertyQuerySelected
Gets a value that indicates if SelectedQuery will return a valid Dashboard Query object.
Public propertyRefreshingQuery
Gets the DashboardQuery object that represents the current refreshing query.
Public propertySavedLoginDetails
Gets and sets a collection that contains a username and password that will be used as the default properties to connect to a server.
Public propertySelectedObject
Gets a DashboardObject object that is the currently selected dashboard object. If none are selected, returns nothing.
Public propertySelectedQuery
Gets a DashboardQuery object that is the currently selected dashboard query. If none are selected, returns nothing.
Public propertySelectedTab
Gets a DashboardTab object that is the currently selected dashboard tab. If none are selected, returns nothing.
Public propertySelectedTabIndex
Gets index of the currently selected dashboard tab. If none are selected, returns -1.
Public propertyShowAboutMenuItem
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether the about menu item will appear on the context menu of charts.
Public propertyShowCopyQuery
Gets and sets a property that indicates if the Copy an existing query step is shown in the query wizard.
Public propertyShowDataViewersWhenViewerOnly
Gets and sets a value that determines if the Dashboard will show the query data viewers when ViewerOnly is true.
Public propertyShowTabs
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether the tabs are shown in the dashboard viewer.
Public propertyStatusStripVisible
Gets and sets a value indicating whether the status strip is visible at the bottom of the control.
Public propertyViewerOnly
If set to True, the Dashboard control will act as a viewer only, disabling and preventing the display of any controls associated with editing a dashboard.
Public propertyViewerSourceDataHandling
Gets and sets a value that indicates how the control will manage source data in a dashboard when opened in a viewer only client
Public propertyVisible
Public eventAfterDashboardPublish
Event raised after a dashboard publish process has completed.
Public eventAfterDrillDown
Event raised when a drill down link is clicked on a dashboard object, after the drill down is processed.
Public eventAfterHyperlink
Event raised when a Hyperlink is clicked on a dashboard object, after the hyperlink is processed.
Public eventAfterPreparePrint
Event raised when the control completes the prepare print operation.
Public eventApplyingDataGridLayout
Event raised before the control applies a layout to a data grid dashboard object.
Public eventApplyingDataViewerLayout
Event raised before the control applies a layout to a data viewer.
Public eventAvailableCommandsChanged
Event raised when an action changes the available operations. This event is useful for enabling and disabling the containers controls to reflect which operations can and cannot be performed.
Public eventBeforeBuildObject
Event raised before the control builds each object on the dashboard.
Public eventBeforeDashboardPublish
Event raised before the current dashboard is published.
Public eventBeforeDrillDown
Event raised when a drill down link is clicked on a dashboard object, before the drill down is processed. Setting the DrillDownEventArgs.Cancel property to true in the handler for this event will prevent the drill down from processing.
Public eventBeforeFileDialog
Event raised before showing the file dialog.
Public eventBeforeHyperlink
Event raised when a hyperlink is clicked on a dashboard object, before the hyperlink is processed. Setting the HyperlinkEventArgs.Cancel property to true in the handler for this event will prevent the hyperlink from processing.
Public eventBeforePreparePrint
Event raised when the control begins the prepare print operation.
Public eventClick
Public eventDashboardClosed
Event raised when a ManagedDashboard object is closed by the control.
Public eventDashboardOpened
Event raised when a ManagedDashboard object is opened by the control.
Public eventDashboardRendered
Event raised when the control renders a dashboard
Public eventDblClick
Public eventDoubleClickDashboardObject
Event raised before a double click event is processed on a dashboard object.
Public eventPreProcessKeyDown
Event raised before a key down event is processed by the control.
Public eventProcessDataRequest
Event raised when the user selects the process button on a drill down data grid.
Public eventRequiredFieldValueRequest
Event raised for each Required Field that is not assigned a valid ControlPanelObject, before the query is run.
Public eventSelectedQueryChanged
Event raised when the SelectedQuery property changes.
Public eventSelectedTabChanged
Event raised when the SelectedTab property changes.
Public eventTabsModified
Event raised when a dashboard tab is added, deleted or has its title changed, or when the order of the tabs is changed.