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DashboardDesigner Properties DataPA OpenAnalytics
DataPA OpenAnalytics API Reference

The DashboardDesigner type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property AboutMenuItemLabel
Gets and sets the label of the about menu item on the context menu of charts.
Public property AboutMenuItemLink
Gets and sets the link of the about menu item on the context menu of charts.
Public property AllowManageConnections
Public property AllowTabDesignModeWhenViewerOnly
Gets and sets a value that indicates if the interface allows the user to re-arange objects in the tab when in viewer only mode.
Public property BackgroundColor
Public property BackgroundImage (Overrides ControlBackgroundImage.)
Public property ClientConfig
The ClientConfig Object used to provide the core DataPA client UI functionality.
Public property ClipboardContainsDashboardObject
Gets a value that indicates whether the clipboard contains valid data to support the PasteDashboardObject method.
Public property ClipboardContainsDashboardTab
Gets a value that indicates whether the clipboard contains valid data to support the PasteDashboardTab method.
Public property Dashboard
Gets the current ManagedDashboard object.
Public property DataViewerPages
Gets an array of the currently available DataViewer pages.
Public property DebugLogging
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether debug logging is enabled.
Public property DelayedRender
Gets a value that indicates if the rendering of the open dashboard has been delayed.
Public property Enabled
Public property FloatingWindowEnvironment
Gets a value that indicates if the current environment supports floating docking windows.
Public property FontListItems
Gets a collection of List Items containing a visual list of available fonts.
Public property ForegroundColor
Public property FullScreenMode
Gets and sets a value that indicates if the control is in full screen mode.
Public property HasDashboard
Gets a value that indicates if the control has an open ManagedDashboard object.
Public property HasData
Gets a value that indicates if the ManagedDashboard object in the control has any data that can be used to build Dashboard Objects.
Public property HasObjects
Gets a value that indicates if the ManagedDashboard object in the control has one or more DashboardObject objects
Public property HasQueries
Gets a value that indicates if the ManagedDashboard object in the control has one or more DashboardQuery objects.
Public property HasTabs
Gets a value that indicates if the ManagedDashboard object in the control has one or more DashboardTab objects.
Public property Initialised
Gets a property indicating whether or not the Initialise method has been called. The control cannot be used while this value is false.
Public property IsPublishingDashboard
Public property NavigatorContextButtonCollection
Gets the Button Collection on the Navigator to allow the developer to add their own buttons.
Public property PaletteMode
Gets or sets palette style that is applied to the dashboard control to change its and any child forms appearance.
Public property PauseAutoRefresh
Gets and sets a property that indicates if the autorefresh of queries should be pause.
Public property PreparingPrint
Gets a property that indicates if the control is currently processing the prepare print operation.
Public property PublishServer
Gets and sets the Server URL for DataPA Enterprise
Public property QuerySelected
Gets a value that indicates if SelectedQuery will return a valid Dashboard Query object.
Public property RefreshingQuery
Gets the DashboardQuery object that represents the current refreshing query.
Public property SavedLoginDetails
Gets and sets a collection that contains a username and password that will be used as the default properties to connect to a server.
Public property SelectedObject
Gets a DashboardObject object that is the currently selected dashboard object. If none are selected, returns nothing.
Public property SelectedQuery
Gets a DashboardQuery object that is the currently selected dashboard query. If none are selected, returns nothing.
Public property SelectedTab
Gets a DashboardTab object that is the currently selected dashboard tab. If none are selected, returns nothing.
Public property SelectedTabIndex
Gets index of the currently selected dashboard tab. If none are selected, returns -1.
Public property ShowAboutMenuItem
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether the about menu item will appear on the context menu of charts.
Public property ShowCopyQuery
Gets and sets a property that indicates if the Copy an existing query step is shown in the query wizard.
Public property ShowDataViewersWhenViewerOnly
Gets and sets a value that determines if the Dashboard will show the query data viewers when ViewerOnly is true.
Public property ShowTabs
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether the tabs are shown in the dashboard viewer.
Public property StatusStripVisible
Gets and sets a value indicating whether the status strip is visible at the bottom of the control.
Public property ViewerOnly
If set to True, the Dashboard control will act as a viewer only, disabling and preventing the display of any controls associated with editing a dashboard.
Public property ViewerSourceDataHandling
Gets and sets a value that indicates how the control will manage source data in a dashboard when opened in a viewer only client
Public property Visible
See Also