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ControlPanelObject Class DataPA OpenAnalytics
DataPA OpenAnalytics API Reference
Object that represents a single control object on a DashboardObject with the ObjectType of ChartTypeControlPanel.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DataPAEnterpriseDashboard
Assembly: DataPAEnterpriseDashboard (in DataPAEnterpriseDashboard.dll) Version: (
public class ControlPanelObject : _ControlPanelObject, 
	ISerializable, FilterParameter

The ControlPanelObject type exposes the following members.

Public methodControlPanelObject
Creates and returns a new ControlPanelObject.
Public methodControlPanelObject(ControlPanelObjects, ControlPanelObjectControlPanelObjectType, ControlPanelObjectControlPanelFilterControlType)
Creates and returns a new ControlPanelObject.
Public methodControlPanelObject(ControlPanelObjects, ControlPanelObjectControlPanelObjectType, DashboardQuery)
Creates and returns a new ControlPanelObject.
Public methodControlPanelObject(ControlPanelObjects, ControlPanelObjectControlPanelObjectType, String)
Creates and returns a new ControlPanelObject.
Public methodControlPanelObject(ControlPanelObjects, ControlPanelObjectControlPanelObjectType, Collection, String)
Creates and returns a new ControlPanelObject.
Public methodControlPanelObject(ControlPanelObjects, ControlPanelObjectControlPanelObjectType, DashboardQuery, QueryParameter)
Creates and returns a new ControlPanelObject.
Public methodControlPanelObject(ControlPanelObjects, ControlPanelObjectControlPanelObjectType, Bitmap, ControlPanelObjectControlPanelImageDisplayType)
Creates and returns a new ControlPanelObject.
Public methodAddQueryRequiredField
Add's a parameter reference to this control panel object.
Public methodBuildDependentObjectList
Builds the value in the property DependentObjectList
Public methodBuildDropDownData
Rebuilds the data for a drop down list
Public methodCopyToClipboard
Copies this object to the clipboard.
Public methodGenerateMinAndMax
Generates the min and max values for a slider
Public methodGetObjectData
Public methodGetValueString
Returns the value as a string, using the ControlPanelObject numeric format settings where appropriate.
Public methodObjectIsDependant
Gets a value that indicates if the provided dashboard object is dependant on this filter condition object.
Public methodQueriesHaveRefreshButtons
Public methodQueriesWithoutRefreshButtons
Public methodRemoveQueryRequiredField
Removes a query paramater reference from this object.
Public methodResetDataProvider
Public propertyAllowAllInDropDownList
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether the drop down list filter condition will include the option ALL
Public propertyClone
Gets cloned copy of this object (only the ID will be different).
Public propertyCOMValue
Gets and sets the selected value that this control panel object returns. (String version for COM, which cannot expose object properties).
Public propertyDefaultQueryParameter
Gets the query parameter that this control panel object represents.
Public propertyDependandQueryIDs
Gets and sets a list of query IDs that represents which queries require this object to refresh when refreshed.
Public propertyDependantCalculatedColumns
Gets a list of calculated columns that are dependant on this filter parameter value
Public propertyDependentObjectList
Returns a string containing a comer seperated list of ID's of objects dependent on this control panel object
Public propertyDirectFilterDependantObjects
Gets a collection that contains all the DashboardObjects that are dependant on this filter condition, excluding those that are dependant on other dependants.
Public propertyDisplayColumn
Gets and sets the column that is used to populate the control panel object.
Public propertyDisplayColumnDateType
Gets and sets a value that determines how date and date/time values are treated in the display of a drop down list
Public propertyDisplayColumnIsDate
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether the drop down list display column is a date column.
Public propertyDisplayColumnIsDateTime
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether the drop down list display column is a DateTime column.
Public propertyDropDownList
Gets and sets an array that represents the manual list of values used to populate the drop down list.
Public propertyEnabled
Gets a value that indicates whether the ControlPanelObject is currently enabled.
Public propertyFilterControlType
Gets and sets the type of control used to render a filter control.
Public propertyFilterDependantControlPanelObjects
Gets a collection that contains all the ControlPanelObjects that are dependant on this filter condition.
Public propertyFilterDependantObjects
Gets a collection that contains all the DashboardObjects that are dependant on this filter condition.
Public propertyFont
Gets and sets the font used by this control panel object.
Public propertyFontColour
Gets and sets the colour of the font used by this panel object.
Public propertyforceTrailingZeros
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether all labels should have the number of decimal digits specified by numberDecimals, even if it requires trailing zeros.
Public propertyGUID
Gets a GUID that uniquely identifies this object.
Public propertyHAlign
Gets and sets a value that represents the horizontal alignment of the contents of this control object.
Public propertyID
Gets a value that indicates the Unique ID of this object.
Public propertyIgnoreDuplicatesInDropDownList
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether the drop down list should include duplicate items.
Public propertyImage
Gets and sets an image this object will display.
Public propertyImageDisplayType
Gets and sets a value that determines how the image is rendered.
Public propertyListDataTable
Gets the data table that is used to populate a drop down list.
Public propertyListDataTag
Gets and sets the identifier that indicates which dataset is used to populate a drop down list
Public propertyLookupObject
Gets the RunLookup object that this ControlPanelObject uses to populate the drop down list.
Public propertyManualDataDefinition
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether the data for this object is populated manually.
Public propertyMaximumValue
Gets and sets the Maximum value on a ControlPanelObject with the FilterControlType of slider.
Public propertyMinimumValue
Gets and sets the minimum value on a ControlPanelObject with the FilterControlType of slider.
Public propertynumberDecimals
Gets and sets a value that indicates the number of decimal places that should be used for values represented on the ControlPanelObject.
Public propertyNumericGuiFormat
Gets a GUI format string for this Column
Public propertynumericPrefix
Gets and sets the numeric prefix (text before the data value) that will be used in labels on the ControlPanelObject.
Public propertynumericSuffix
Gets and sets the numeric suffix (text after the data value) that will be used in labels on the ControlPanelObject.
Public propertyObjectSizes
Gets a dictionary of serialized objects contained in this object, along with their sizes (in bytes)
Public propertyObjectType
Gets and sets the type of control panel object.
Public propertyParent
Gets and sets the ControlPanelObjects object that is the parent of this object.
Public propertyQuarterStartMonth
Public propertyQueryParameterDeleted
Gets the a value that indicates whether all the query parameters associated with this ControlPanelObject are missing.
Public propertyQueryParameters
Gets a collection of the query parameters that this control panel object represents.
Public propertyQuerys
Gets a collection of the DashboardQuery objects that this ControlPanelObject updates.
Public propertyRefreshQueriesOnChange
Gets a collection of queries that should be refreshed when the value of this query parameter is changed.
Public propertyscalingUnits
Gets and sets a string value that represents the scaling units used to represent the ControlPanelObject label values.
Public propertyscalingValues
Gets and sets a string value that represents the scaling values used to represent the ControlPanelObject label values.
Public propertyShowLabels
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether value labels will be show on this ControlPanelObject
Public propertyShowMajorTickMarks
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether major tick marks will be shown on this ControlPanelObject.
Public propertyShowMinorTickMarks
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether minor tick marks will be shown on this ControlPanelObject.
Public propertySortDropDownList
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether the drop down list should be sorted.
Public propertySourceDataTable
Gets the source data table that is used to build a controls contents
Public propertySourceDataTableFilter
Gets and sets a DashboardFilter object that defines the filter to be applied to the source data table for a drop down list.
Public propertySuppressThousandSeparator
Gets and sets a property that indicates if numeric values should suppress the thousand separator.
Public propertyText
Gets and sets a text value that will be displayed by this control panel object.
Public propertyUpdatingFilterObjects
Gets a list of ControlPanelObjects that filter this object
Public propertyVAlign
Gets and sets a value that represents the vertical alignment of the contents of this control object.
Public propertyValue
Gets and sets the selected value that this control panel object returns.
Public propertyValueColumn
Gets and sets the column that is used derive the value of the control panel object.
Public propertyValueColumnDateType
Gets and sets a value that determines how date and date/time values are treated in the Value of a drop down list
Public propertyValueColumnIsDate
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether the drop down list Value column is a date column.
Public propertyValueColumnIsDateTime
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether the drop down list Value column is a DateTime column.
Public propertyValueColumnType
Gets the type of the value column for this object