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DashboardQuery Class DataPA OpenAnalytics
DataPA OpenAnalytics API Reference
Dashboard wrapper for a DataPA.Query object, allows specification of timing events.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DataPAEnterpriseDashboard
Assembly: DataPAEnterpriseDashboard (in DataPAEnterpriseDashboard.dll) Version: (
public class DashboardQuery : _DashboardQuery, 
	ISerializable, ISerializable, ITelemetry

The DashboardQuery type exposes the following members.

Public methodDashboardQuery
Creates and returns a new DashboardQuery object.
Public methodDashboardQuery(DashboardQueries, Query)
Creates and returns a new DashboardQuery object.
Public methodCancelRefresh
Cancels a refresh operation for this query.
Public methodClearCachedSourceData
If the dashboard has been loaded without source data, will clear the stored data
Public methodClearRequiredFieldsSuppliedByThirdParty
Public methodClearRows
Clears the rows from the datatable(s) associated with the query leaving just the datatable(s) columns
Public methodGetObjectData(SerializationInfo)
Public methodGetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)
Public methodGetTelemetryMetrics
Public methodGetTelemetryProperties
Public methodKillTimer
Kills any auto refresh timers on this dashboard query
Public methodLoadSourceData
If the dashboard has been loaded without source data, will force the data to load
Public methodQueriesRefreshedWithThisQuery
Public methodReApplyCalculatedColumns
Rebuilds the values of any calculated columns in this query.
Public methodRefreshData
Causes the the query to refresh its data.
Public methodRefreshData(Boolean, Boolean, String, String)
Causes the the query to refresh its data.
Public methodRequiredFieldsSuppliedByThirdParty
Public methodResolveRequiredFieldRequirements
Ensures each required field defined by this query has an assoiciated ControlPanelObject on the dashboard.
Public methodSetNextAutoRefresh
Sets the next auto refresh for this query.
Public methodSetNextAutoRefresh(DateTime)
Sets the next auto refresh for this query.
Public methodUpdateDataSetFields
Public methodUpdateQuery
Updates the Query object this DashboardQuery is based on.
Public propertyAlerts
Gets and sets an alerts collection for this dashboard
Public propertyautoRefresh
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether this query wil refresh automatically.
Public propertyCalculatedColumns
Public propertyClearDataOnNextRefresh
Gets and sets a property that indicates if data should be cleared on the next refresh.
Public propertyClearRowsAfterRefresh
Gets a property that indicates the data rows for the datatable related to this query should be clear after refresh.
Public propertyCollateFilter
Gets and sets a filter that will be applied to the existing data before data from a new refresh is added
Public propertyComRefreshInterval
Gets and sets a string value that indicates how often the query will auto refresh.
Public propertyConnectionDetails
Gets and sets a QueryConnectionDetails object that determines how this query handles different connections.
Public propertyCurrentNextAutoRefresh
Gets a value that indicates the current time at which this dashboard query will be refreshed automatically.
Public propertyDataManageType
Gets and sets the data manage type that indicates if this query collates data.
Public propertyErrorsOnLastRefresh
Gets a property that indicates if the last multi-connection run of this query returned one or more errors.
Public propertyForceSynchronousProcessAfterRefresh
Gets and sets a property that indicates if the objects dependant on this query should be processed synchronously rather than asynchronously
Public propertyGUID
Gets and sets a GUID that uniquely identifies this object.
Public propertyHasData
Public propertyHasDependantObjects
Gets a value that indicates whether any DashboardObjects are dependant on the data provided by this query.
Public propertyHasOrphanedRequiredFields
Returns True if query has reqiured fields that are not represented by a ControlPanelObject on the dashboard.
Public propertyID
Gets a value that indicates the Unique ID of this object.
Public propertyinmydataQueryPush
Gets and sets an inmydata dashboard query push class for this dashboard query
Public propertyLastRefeshCancelled
Gets a property that indicates if the last refresh was cancelled.
Public propertyLastRefreshCompleted
Gets the date and time the query last successfully completed refreshing.
Public propertyLastRefreshStarted
Gets the date and time the query last began a refresh operation.
Public propertyName
Gets and sets a value that indicates the name of this query.
Public propertyNextAutoRefresh
Gets a value that indicates the time at which this dashboard query will be refreshed automatically.
Public propertyNumRows
Gets the total number of rows returned by this query.
Public propertyObjectSizes
Gets a dictionary of serialized objects contained in this object, along with their sizes (in bytes)
Public propertyOrphanedRequiredFields
Gets a collection of DataPA.Utils.QueryEngine.Field objects that represent the orphaned required fields for this query.
Public propertyParent
Gets and sets object that represents the parent of this object.
Public propertyPassword
Gets and sets the encrypted Password used by the Enterprise Service to connect to an appserver when refreshing this query.
Public propertyQuery
Gets and sets the Query object this DashboardQuery is based on.
Public propertyQueryBasedOnSystem
Gets a property that indicates if the query is based on a defined system
Public propertyQueryErrorMessage
Gets and sets an error message returned by the query at the last refresh.
Public propertyQueryString
Public propertyQueuedForRefresh
Gets a value that indicates if this query is queued for refresh.
Public propertyRefreshesAcrossMultipleConnections
Gets a property that indicates if this query refreshes across multiple connections
Public propertyRefreshing
Gets a value that indicates whether the current query is refreshing.
Public propertyrefreshInterval
Gets and sets a value that indicates how often the query will auto refresh.
Public propertyRefreshOnOpen
Gets and sets a value that indicates if the query will auto refresh when the dashboard is opened.
Public propertyRefreshOnPublish
Gets and sets a property that indicates if this query will be refreshed on publish
Public propertyResultsSet
Gets and sets the results set for this query.
Public propertySaveDataFailed
Gets a property that indicates if the query data failed to serialize during the last serialzation process.
Public propertySaveDataFailException
Gets the exception that indicates why the query data failed to serialize during the last serialzation process.
Public propertySQLQueryString
Returns the SQL query string for this query if this query uses one.
Public propertyStoredDataFileName
Gets and sets the name of a file where the data for this query has been stored
Public propertySubjectID
Returns the UniqueID of the subject for this query.
Public propertySupportsCollate
Gets a value that indicates if this query supports data collation.
Public propertySystemName
Returns the System name the subject for this query belongs to.
Public propertyUsername
Gets and sets the username used by the Enterprise Service to connect to an appserver when refreshing this query.
Public propertyValidSubject
Gets a value that indicates if the subject for this query exists.
Public eventServerRequestComplete
Event raised when a server request raised by this object is completed.