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DashboardObject Class DataPA OpenAnalytics
DataPA OpenAnalytics API Reference
Object that represents a single visual object on a DashboardTab object.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DataPAEnterpriseDashboard
Assembly: DataPAEnterpriseDashboard (in DataPAEnterpriseDashboard.dll) Version: (
public class DashboardObject : _DashboardObject, 
	ISerializable, PartialSummaryParent, ITelemetry, DrillDownParent

The DashboardObject type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberBuildColumnGroups
Public methodStatic memberBuildDataFieldsAndColumns
Generates the JSON configuration for the table data fields and columns for the given DashboardObject and DataTable
Public methodBuildDependantObjectList
Rebuilds the DependantObjectList property
Public methodBuildGridData
Causes the object to rebuild the Summary Data for a data grid.
Public methodBuildParamString
Returns the parameter string to be used when rendering an object.
Public methodBuildTreeViewData
Causes the object to rebuild the Treeview nodes for a tree view.
Public methodConvertToLetter
Converts the given column number to a letter or letters, e.g. 1 = A, 27 = AA
Public methodCopyToClipboard
Copies this object to the clipboard.
Public methodStatic memberCreateCustomClass
Public methodStatic memberDataTableToJson
Convert the given table to a JSON string
Public methodDrillDownParent
Returns a drilldown parent object based on the ID provided
Public methodStatic memberDropDownListArray
Public methodExportToCSV
Export this dashboard object to csv
Public methodExportToCSV(DataTable, Boolean, String, CubeDataRenderer, Char)
Export this dashboard object to csv
Public methodExportToExcel
Export this dashboard object to Excel 2007 and above (XSLX)
Public methodExportToExcel(DataTable, Boolean, String, CubeDataRenderer, Char)
Export this dashboard object to Excel 2007 and above (XSLX)
Public methodExportToPDF
Export this dashboard object to PDF
Public methodExportToPDF(DataTable, ListInt32, String, CubeDataRenderer, Char)
Export this dashboard object to PDF
Public methodExportToRTF
Export this dashboard object to RTF
Public methodExportToRTF(DataTable, ListInt32, String, CubeDataRenderer, Char)
Export this dashboard object to RTF
Public methodGetChartResizeScript
Gets the javascript required to resize the chart.
Public methodGetColumnFormat
Public methodStatic memberGetColumnWidth
Public methodgetFilterCondition
Gets a valid DataTable filter condition for a given column and value.
Public methodgetFilterConditionFromNameType
Gets a valid DataTable filter condition for a given column and value.
Public methodGetObjectData
Public methodGetObjectImageByteArray
Gets an image array of the dashboard object for the specified size.
Public methodGetTelemetryMetrics
Public methodGetTelemetryProperties
Public methodKillThread
Kills the background thread (if any) being used to generate XMl.
Public methodStatic memberQuotedString
Public methodReBuildSummaryData
Forces the summary data object to rebuild it's summary table.
Public methodRefreshXML
Causes the object to rebuild the XML property.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveNonPrintableCharacter
Public methodResetDataProvider
Resets the dataprovider for this object, forcing it to be rebuilt
Public methodResetSummaryDataTable
Resets the summary data table for this object, forcing it to be rebuilt
Public methodUserDependantFilter
Public methodWaitForDrillDownThread
Waits for any drill down threads to complete
Public propertyActualSummaryBuildThreshold
Gets and sets the threshold value used to decide whether or not to build a partial summary for this object
Public propertyAlerts
Gets and sets the alerts collection for this object
Public propertyAllow3D
Gets a property that indicates if this chart object supports 3D rendering
Public propertyAllowAdvancedXML
Gets a property that indicates if it is possible to specify advanced XML for this object type.
Public propertyAllowAppearance
Gets a property that indicates if it is possible to specify appearance attributes for this object type.
Public propertyAllowColour
Gets a property that indicates if this objects supports colour definition.
Public propertyAllowColourRanges
Gets a property that indicates if this object supports colour ranges
Public propertyAllowDataGridDefaultColumnFit
Gets a property that indicates if it is possible to specify default column fit type for this object.
Public propertyAllowDrillDown
Gets a property that indicates if it is possible to specify a drill down object for this object type.
Public propertyStatic memberAllowDrillDownDashboardObjectDashboardObjectType
Gets a property that indicates if it is possible to specify a drill down object for a given object type.
Public propertyAllowFont
Gets a property that indicates if it is possible to specify a default font for this object type.
Public propertyAllowForEach
Gets a property that indicates if it is possible to specify for each iteration types.
Public propertyAllowGlassEffect
Gets a property that indicates if it is possible to specify whether glass effect is visible for this object type.
Public propertyAllowLineOrAreaColour
Gets a property that indicates if the line or area colour options are shown.
Public propertyAllowMultipleGroupColumns
Gets a value that indicates whether this object supports multiple group columns.
Public propertyAllowMultipleSummaryColumns
Gets a value that indicates whether this object supports multiple summary columns.
Public propertyAllowNoZeroPlot
Gets a property that indicates if it is possible to specify that zero values are not plotted.
Public propertyAllowPointLabels
Gets a property that indicates if it is possible to specify Point Labels this object type.
Public propertyAllowRanges
Gets a property that indicates if this object supports ranges
Public propertyAllowRegressionLines
Gets a value that indicates if this object supports regression lines
Public propertyAllowScalingUnits
Gets a property that indicates if it is possible to specify advanced scaling units for this object type.
Public propertyAllowShowSum
Gets and sets a property that indicates whether ShowSum option is enabled
Public propertyAllowSpecifyLegend
Gets a property that indicates if it is possible to specify whether a legend is visible for this object type.
Public propertyAllowStack100Percent
Gets and sets a property that indicates whether Stack100Percent option is enabled
Public propertyAllowSubTitles
Gets a property that indicates if it is possible to specify sub titles this object type.
Public propertyAllowTickMarks
Public propertyAllowTitles
Gets a property that indicates if it is possible to specify titles this object type.
Public propertyAllowTotals
Gets a value that indicates if it is possible to define totals for this object
Public propertyAllowXAxis
Gets a property that indicates if it is possible to specify x axis attributes for this object type.
Public propertyAllowYAxis
Gets a property that indicates if it is possible to specify y axis attributes for this object type.
Public propertyAvailableSummaryColumnDisplayTypes
Gets an array that indicates the valid SummaryDataDisplayTypes for this object type.
Public propertyBuildingObject
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not the object is currently building XML.
Public propertyCaption
Gets and sets the caption of this object.
Public propertyChartHeight
Gets a value that indicates the internal height of the chart object.
Public propertyChartWidth
Gets a value that indicates the internal width of the chart object.
Public propertyClone
Gets cloned copy of this object (only the ID will be different).
Public propertyColumnAlignmentCollection
Public propertyColumnFormat
Gets the format string for a given column in this dashboard object.
Public propertyColumnHeading
Gets the column heading for a given column in this dashboard object.
Public propertyComSourceDataTable
Gets the Source DataTable used to render this object.
Public propertyControlPanelBackgroundColour
Gets and sets the background colour for the control panel objects.
Public propertyControlPanelObjects
Gets and sets the ControlPanelObjects collection associated with this Dashboard Object.
Public propertyDashboard
Gets the ManagedDashboard object that this Dashboard Object belongs too.
Public propertyDashboardLabelOrientation
Gets and sets value that indicates the orientation of X axis labels for this object.
Public propertyDashboardQuery
Gets a property that is the DashboardQuery object associated with this DashboardObject.
Public propertyDataGridDefaultColumnFit
Gets and sets a value that determines the default methid used to fit columns in a datagrid.
Public propertyDataGridDisplayStyle
Gets and sets a property that determines how a datagrid is rendered.
Public propertyDataGridFont
Gets and sets the bespoke font that will be used to render this datagrid if DataGridUseBespokeFont is true.
Public propertyDataGridLayout
Gets and sets an the layout of a DataGrid in the form of an XML string.
Public propertyDataGridTextColor
Gets and sets the colour of the text used for this data grid if DataGridUseBespokeFont is true.
Public propertyDataGridUseBespokeFont
Gets and sets a value that indicates if this object should use a bespoke font when rendered as a data grid.
Public propertyDataTag
Gets the group columns for this dashboard object
Public propertyDependantObjectList
Gets a comer delimtered string listing the ID's of all the objects dependent on this object
Public propertyDescendantDashboardObject
Gets the Descendant (drill down) Dashboard Object with the specified ID.
Public propertyDisplayApplyButton
Gets and sets a value that indicates if the treeview should display an apply button
Public propertyDivHeight
Gets a value that indicates the div height of the chart object.
Public propertyDrillDown
Gets and sets a DrillDown object representing any drill down options for this object.
Public propertyDrillDownEnabled
Gets a property that indicates if a drill down object is defined for this object.
Public propertyDualYAxis
Gets a value that indicates whether this object has a sual Y axis.
Public propertyEmailBody
Gets and sets the email body used when emailing this object after the dashboard is refreshed on the server
Public propertyEmailRecipients
Gets and sets the email address(es) that this object should be sent to when the dashboard is refreshed on the server
Public propertyEmailSubject
Gets and sets the email subject used when emailing this object after the dashboard is refreshed on the server
Public propertyExportBehaviour
Gets and sets a value that indicates the export behaviour for this object
Public propertyExportDocumentType
Gets and sets a value that indicates what document type will be used to export this object on the server
Public propertyExportError
Gets and sets an error string detailing any errors that occured when trying to export this object on the server
Public propertyExportFileExtension
Gets the file extension that matches the current export document type
Public propertyExportLocation
Gets and sets a location on the server to save an export of this document to
Public propertyFilter
Gets the default filter object that filters data for this object
Public propertyFilterClearedDependantObjects
Gets and sets a collection that contains all dashboard objects that need refreshing because they have had this filter removed.
Public propertyFilterDependantObjects
Gets a collection that contains all the DashboardObjects that are dependant on this tree view filter panel.
Public propertyFilters
Gets and sets the all the filter objects that filter data for this object
Public propertyFlashVars
Gets the FlashVars string to support rendering of the chart.
Public propertyForceSummaryColumnDisplayType
Gets a value that indicates if the display type for a summary column is defined by which Y axis it is assigned to.
Public propertyFusionChartType
Gets the Fusion chart type
Public propertyGaugeData
Gets and sets the GaugeData object that represents numerical information about this dashboard object
Public propertyGaugeObject
Gets a property that indicates if this object type represents a single summary value (with no groups)
Public propertyStatic memberGaugeObjectDashboardObjectDashboardObjectType
Gets a property that indicates if this object type represents a single summary value (with no groups)
Public propertyGroupColumns
Gets the group columns for this dashboard object
Public propertyGUID
Gets a GUID that uniquely identifies this object.
Public propertyHasSourceData
Gets a property that indicates whether all the queries this object is dependant on have source data
Public propertyHeight
Gets and sets a value that indicates the height of this object.
Public propertyHideLabelsIfLegendShown
Gets a property that indicates if labels should be hidden when a legend is shown.
Public propertyHideZeroValueGroups
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether groups with all zero values should be hidden.
Public propertyHTML
Generates and returns the HTML required to render this object.
Public propertyID
Gets a value that indicates the Unique ID of this object.
Public propertyInLineXML
Gets a property that indicates if the XML for this chart should be rendered in line with the HTML.
Public propertyIsDrillDownObject
Gets a property that indicates if this DashboardObject is a drill down DashboardObject.
Public propertyLastUsedFilter
Gets a string that indicates the filter string used last time the object was rendered.
Public propertyLimitXAxisLabelLength
Gets and sets a value that indicates if MaxXAxisLabelLength should be applied to X Axis labels on the chart.
Public propertyLineOrAreaColour
Gets and sets the colour of the line in a line chart.
Public propertyLoadScript
Gets the script required to load this DashboardObject in a web browser.
Public propertyMap
Gets and sets the map object that defines the map for this dashboard object
Public propertyMaxXAxisLabelLength
Gets and sets a value that indicates the maximum length of X Axis labels on the chart.
Public propertyMenuTitle
Gets a value that indicates the title that will be used on the object (build from caption and sub caption properties).
Public propertyNoDataMessage
Gets the text displayed by this message if no data is available.
Public propertyNoLeadingZeroPlot
Gets and sets a property that indicates if leading zero values are plotted on the chart.
Public propertyNoZeroPlot
Gets and sets a property that determines whether zero values are plotted on the chart.
Public propertyNumericColumn
Gets a property that indicates if the given column is a numeric column.
Public propertyNumericFormats
Gets a dictionary containg the numeric format providers for this chart
Public propertyObjectSizes
Gets a dictionary of serialized objects contained in this object, along with their sizes (in bytes)
Public propertyObjectType
Gets or sets a value that indicates the type of this DashboardObject.
Public propertyOverrideDefaultColourScheme
Gets and sets a value that indicates if the default colour scheme for this object will be overridden
Public propertyPanelObject
Gets a property that indicates if this object type requires a panel to be rendered.
Public propertyParent
Gets and sets an object that represents the parent of this object.
Public propertyParentDashboardObject
DrillDownParent.ParentDashboardObject implementation. Returns this object
Public propertyPartialSummarySumColumns
Public propertyPauseXMLEvents
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not any xmlgenerateComplete events will be delayed.
Public propertyPrimaryYAxis
Gets and sets a YAxis object that represents the primary Y Axis.
Public propertyProcessButtonLabel
Gets and sets a label that will be shown on the process button.
Public propertyProcessButtonLocation
Gets and sets a value that indicates the location of the process button.
Public propertyProcessingObjectData
Gets a property that indicates if the object is currently building the XML string.
Public propertyRebuildRequired
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not the object has been modified since the last call to refreshXML.
Public propertyRender3D
Gets and sets a property that indicates if this chart should be rendered in 3D
Public propertyRequiresLongFormTreeviewFilter
Public propertyRequiresSourceData
Gets a property that indicates if this object requires the dashboard to load source data
Public propertySecondaryYAxis
Gets and sets a YAxis object that represents the Secondary Y Axis.
Public propertySelected
Gets or sets a value that indicates if this object is selected.
Public propertyshowBorder
Gets and sets value that indicates whether a border should be shown on this object.
Public propertyShowCheckAllUnCheckAll
Gets a value that indicates if the Check All and UnCheck All buttons should be shown on the process button bar.
Public propertyShowCheckBoxes
Gets and sets a value that indicates if this dashboard object should show checkboxes and a process button in a data grid.
Public propertyshowGlassEffect
Gets and sets value that indicates whether glass effect should be shown on this object.
Public propertyShowGridTotals
Gets and sets a property that determines if the grid will show totals.
Public propertyshowLegend
Gets and sets value that indicates whether Legend should be shown on this object.
Public propertyShowPivotTotalColumn
Gets and sets a property that determines if the pivot table will show a total column.
Public propertyShowPivotTotalRow
Gets and sets a property that determines if the pivot table will show a total row.
Public propertyShowPivotTotals
Gets and sets a property that determines if the pivot table will show totals.
Public propertyshowPointLabels
Gets and sets value that indicates whether point labels should be shown on this object.
Public propertyshowPointLabelsInside
Gets and sets value that indicates whether point labels should be shown inside the chart on this object.
Public propertyShowRegressionLines
Gets and sets a property that determines if this object will show regression lines on a scatter or bubble chart
Public propertyShowSum
Gets and sets a property that indicates whether sum point labels will be shown on the stacked chart
Public propertySourceDataRequirement
Gets a value that indicates why this object requires source data
Public propertySourceDataTable
Gets a raw System.Data.DataTable from the query used to build the summary data for the chart.
Public propertyStack100Percent
Gets and sets a property that indicates if this stacked chart should stack to 100 percent
Public propertySubCaption
Gets and sets the sub caption of this object.
Public propertySummaryBuildThreshold
Gets and sets the threshold value used to decide whether or not to build a partial summary for this object
Public propertySummaryBuildThresholdApplied
Gets a value that indicates a partial summary is not available for this object due to the summary build threshold being met
Public propertySummaryColumns
Gets the summary columns for this dashboard object
Public propertySummaryData
Gets and sets the SummaryData object that defines and generates the data used to render this chart.
Public propertySummaryDataProvider
Gets the summary data provider for this object
Public propertySuplimentaryXML
Gets and sets any supplementary XML to be applied to this object.
Public propertySupplimentaryAttributes
Gets and sets any supplementary attributes to be applied to the chart node of this objects XML
Public propertySwitchAxisLabels
Gets a value that indicates whether the X and Y axis labels should be switched.
Public propertyTab
Gets the DashboardTab object that this Dashboard Object belongs too.
Public propertyTask
Gets and sets the task used by this object to generate XML in the background.
Public propertyTreeViewNodesCheckedByDefault
Gets and sets a property that indicates if treeview nodes are checked by default.
Public propertyTrimLeadingXAxisCharacters
Gets and sets a property that indicates if extra characters in X Axis labels should be trimmed from the start rather than the end of the label.
Public propertyUpdatingFilterObjects
Gets a collection of Filter Paramaters that cause this object to refresh when the filter value is changed.
Public propertyValidExportTypes
Gets a valid list of email export document types for this object
Public propertyValueAxis
Gets a dictionary containing the value axis objects for this chart
Public propertyverticalPointLabels
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether point labels should be displayed vertically.
Public propertyWidth
Gets and sets a value that indicates the width of this object.
Public propertyXAxis
Gets and sets a YAxis object that represents the primary X Axis for XY Plot charts.
Public propertyxAxisName
Gets and sets a value that will be used as the name of the X Axis.
Public propertyXML
Gets the XML required to render this object.
Public propertyXmlDefinitionType
Gets the the XML definition type of this object.
Public propertyXmlUrl
Gets the url that retrieves the XML data for this object.
Public eventAddressSearchComplete
Event raised when a map data plot finishes searching for addresses
Public eventAddressSearchProgress
Event fires when a search for address locations processes an address
Public eventAddressSearchStarted
Event raised when a map data plot starts searching for addresses
Public eventDataGridLayoutUpdateRequest
Event fired when the DataGridLayout property is queried.
Public eventGridDataGenerateComplete
Event fired when the object has completed the BuildGridData method.
Public eventMapDataPlotBuildStarted
Event raised when a map data plot build starts
Public eventMapDataPlotChanged
Event raised when a map data plot changes
Public eventTreeViewDataGenerateComplete
Event fired when the object has completed the BuildTreeViewData method.
Public eventxmlGenerateComplete
Event fired when the object has completed the RefreshXML method.