SystemStructure Properties |
The SystemStructure type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ConnectError |
If ConnectSuccess = False, the Error Message returned by the connection attempt.
ConnectionName |
The connection to be used for retrieving the structure.
ConnectSuccess |
TRUE indicates the last connection attempt to the AppServer was successful.
DataBase |
DataTable detailing the databases of the current system.
DbField |
DataTable detailing the database fields of the current system.
DbIdxField |
DataTable detailing the database index fields of the current system.
DbIndex |
DataTable detailing the database indices of the current system.
DbTable |
DataTable detailing the database tables of the current system.
ForceReload |
If TRUE the next GET of structure will reload from the AppServer,
rather than the local cache.
FullStructure |
DataSet containing database schema and available business logic functions of the current System.
Functions |
DataTable detailing the Business Logic Functions available in the current System.
LastLoadError |
If last load failed, the Error Message.
LastLoadFromCache |
Indicates whether the previous load was from cache or system connection
LastRefresh |
The modified date of the Schema Cache file
PAConnection |
The RunDataPA Connection Object used to retreive the system structure
Relation |
DataTable detailing the Database Relations in the current System.
StructureAvailable |
Indicates whether the structure was successfully loaded
SystemName |
The system's name whose structure this class will return.
SystemType |
The type of system whose structure this class will return.