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ManagedDashboard Properties DataPA OpenAnalytics
DataPA OpenAnalytics API Reference

The ManagedDashboard type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property APIParameters
Public property Application
Gets and sets the RunDataPA Application Object used to provide the core DataPA data functionality for this object.
Public property Author
Gets and sets the author of this dashboard.
Public property AutoRefreshFunction
Gets the Javascript required to support auto refresh functionality in the web for this ManagedDashboard.
Public property BuildIndependantObjectHTML
Gets and sets a value that indicates if the HTML for each dashboard object should be rendered as a single document.
Public property Static member BuildPartialSummaries
Gets a value that indicates whether partial summaries should be built in the current process
Public property Category
Gets and sets a category used to identify of this dashboard.
Public property chartBaseFontSize
Gets and sets the base font size of the chart.
Public property chartOutCnvBaseFontSize
Gets and sets the base font size for labels outside the chart canvas bounds.
Public property ChartSupportScript
Gets the Javascript required to support web rendering of this ManagedDashboard.
Public property Clone
Gets cloned copy of this dashboard.
Public property Comments
Gets and sets a comments string associated with this dashboard.
Public property ContentType
Public property ControlPanelObjectFromID
Gets a ControlPanelObject from a given ID.
Public property CurrentAlerts
Gets a list of the current alerts
Public property DashboardClientType
Gets and sets a the client type for which this dashboard should be rendered
Public property DashboardContainsAnyFilters
Gets a boolean flag that indicate whether the dashboard has any filters anywhere on it.
Public property DashboardObjectFromID
Gets a Dashboard Object by searching all DashboardObjects in this ManagedDashboards tabs for the given ID.
Public property Data
Gets and sets the a dictionary of the source data (if available) and partial summary data for this dashboard
Public property DataVersion
Gets and sets a value that identifies this particular instance of the data in this dashboard
Public property DebugQueries
Gets and sets a value that indicates if this dashboard will generate query debug information.
Public property Description
Gets and sets the description of this dashboard.
Public property DPALogging
Gets and sets the logging object for this managed dashboard instance.
Public property DrillDownFunction
Gets the Javascript required to support drill downs in the web for this ManagedDashboard.
Public property DrillDownParentFromID
Returns a DrillDownParent object referenced by a given ID.
Public property FileName
Gets and sets the file name for this dashboard.
Public property FilterParamaterObjects
Gets a collection that contains all of the ControlPanelObjects with an objectType property of ControlPanelObjectFilterParameter.
Public property FilterParameterFromID
Gets a FilterParameter from a given ID.
Public property FinalizedBy
Gets and sets a property who allows us to log which method has finalized the managed dashbaord object
Public property GUID
Gets and sets a GUID that uniquely identifies this object.
Public property HasData
Gets a value that indicates if this dashboard has data.
Public property Height
Gets the height of this Dashboard.
Public property HttpApplicationPath
Gets and sets the the ApplicationPath for this Managed Dashboard.
Public property ID
Gets a value that indicates the Unique ID of this object.
Public property InLineXML
Gets and sets a property that indicates if the XML for charts should be renderedd in line with the HTML.
Public property KeyWords
Gets and sets a commer seperated list of keywords used to identify this dashboard.
Public property LogObjectErrors
Gets and sets a value that indicates if this dashboard will log object errors.
Public property Modified
Gets and sets a value that indicates if this dashboard has been modified since the last save.
Public property NumbertoPreLoad
Gets and sets the number of instances of dashboards to pre load
Public property ObjectSizes
Gets a dictionary of serialized objects contained in this object, along with their sizes (in bytes)
Public property PageSettings
Gets and sets the page settings object for this dashboard.
Public property PreLoad
Gets and sets the pre load property for this dashboard
Public property PrintScalePercent
Gets and sets a value that indicates the scaling used to print this dashboard.
Public property Queries
Gets or sets the DashboardQueries object for this Dashboard.
Public property RaisedAlerts
Gets a list of the DashboardAlert objects that currently resolve to true for this dashboard.
Public property RefreshAndSaveCompletedOK
Gets and sets an error flag used by RefreshAndSave
Public property RefreshAndSaveErrorString
Gets and sets an error string used by RefreshAndSave
Public property RefreshingQuery
Gets the DashboardQuery object that represents the current refreshing query.
Public property RemoteServiceAgentBrokerID
Gets and sets the ID of the remote service agent broker the service will use to refresh this query
Public property RenderForAccessibility
Gets and sets a property that indicates whether this dashboard should be rendered for accessibility
Public property RequiresSourceData
Gets a property that indicates if any object on this dashboard requires source data
Public property SaveDataFailed
Gets a property that indicates if one or more queries failed to serialize the data during the last serialzation process.
Public property SaveDataFailedQueries
Gets a list of queries that failed to serialize the data during the last serialzation process.
Public property SelectedTab
Gets and sets the currently selected DashboardTab
Public property ServerFileName
Gets and sets the filename of this dashboard on the server
Public property ShowDebugInfo
Gets and sets a value that indicates if this dashboard will show debug information.
Public property Silent
Gets and sets a property that indicates if error messages should be supressed
Public property Skin
Gets and sets the DashboardSkin object that defines the appearance of this dashboard.
Public property Tabs
Gets or sets the DashboardTabs object for this Dashboard.
Public property Title
Gets and sets the title of this dashboard.
Public property ToArray
Gets this object converted to a byte array.
Public property UserGroup
Gets and sets the
Public property Username
Gets and sets the current username used to filter content on the dashboard
Public property Width
Gets the width of this Dashboard.
See Also