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GaugeData Class DataPA OpenAnalytics
DataPA OpenAnalytics API Reference
Object that resolves data values for a gauge
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DataPAEnterpriseDashboard
Assembly: DataPAEnterpriseDashboard (in DataPAEnterpriseDashboard.dll) Version: (
public class GaugeData : _GaugeData, ISerializable

The GaugeData type exposes the following members.

Public methodGaugeData
Initializes a new instance of the GaugeData class
Public methodAbort
Aborts any build process for this summary data provider
Public methodBuildSummaryDataTable
Builds the summary data table for this object
Public methodGetObjectData
Public methodRebuildDataProvider
Forces the data provider to recalculate
Public methodResetDataProvider
Forces the data provider to recalculate next time the object is rendered
Public methodResetSummaryDatatable
Resets the data tables to nothing.
Public methodSetObjectData
Public propertyBackgroundColour
Gets and sets the background colour for this gauge object
Public propertyClone
Gets cloned copy of this object.
Public propertyColour
Gets and sets the colour for this gauge object
Public propertyDataModified
Gets and sets a value that indicates if the summary data definition has changed since the last call to BuildSummaryDataTable.
Public propertyDataTag
Gets and sets a unique string that identifies the source data set from the query, resultset collection.
Public propertyEndLabel
Gets and sets the End label to display instead of a value at the end of the scale
Public propertyFilter
Gets and sets a DashboardFilter object used to filter the dataset for this object.
Public propertyGuid
Gets ans sets the Guid for this object
Public propertyHasData
Gets a property that indicates if this object has data
Public propertyID
Gets the unique ID of this object
Public propertyIterationType
Gets and sets a value that indicates the iteration type for this Gauge data.
Public propertyLabelPosition
Gets and sets a value that indicates the positioning of labels within this gauge
Public propertyLabelStep
Gets and sets a value that indicates that a label will be shown every n-th tick mark.
Public propertyNumMajorTickMarks
Gets and sets the number of Major Tick Marks shown on this gauge.
Public propertyNumMinorTickMarks
Gets and sets the number of Minor Tick Marks shown on this gauge.
Public propertyObjectSizes
Gets a dictionary of serialized objects contained in this object, along with their sizes (in bytes)
Public propertyParent
Gets and sets the parent DashboardObject for this GaugeData object.
Public propertyPercentageValue
Gets the current value for this object as a percentage of the range
Public propertyRangeCollection
Gets and sets the range collection for the Gauge object
Public propertyRequiresSummaryProviderRebuild
Gets a value that indicates if the summary data provider needs rebuilt for this object
Public propertyShowAsPercentage
Gets and sets a value that indicates if the values on the Gauge should be shown as a percentage
Public propertyShowLabels
Gets and sets a value that indicates if labels with be shown on this Gauge object
Public propertyShowTickMarks
Gets and sets a value that indicates if tickmarks will be shown on this Gauge
Public propertyShowValue
Gets and sets a value that indicates if the value will be displayed on the gauge
Public propertySourceDataTable
Gets the source data table that will be used to calculate the Gauge ranges and value.
Public propertyStartLabel
Gets and sets the start label to display instead of a value at the beginning of the scale
Public propertySummaryColumn
Gets and sets a SummaryColumn object that will be used to calculate the value represented by this gauge.
Public propertySummaryColumns
Gets a SummaryColumns collection specifying the summary columns required for this Gauge data.
Public propertySummaryDataProvider
Gets the summary data provider object for this GaugeData object
Public propertyTextColour
Gets and sets the text colour for this gauge object
Public propertyTickMarkPosition
Gets and sets a value that indicates the positioning of Tick Marks within this gauge
Public propertyUseLabelAsValue
Gets and sets a value that indicates if values should be expressed using the range label rather than the value
Public propertyValue
Gets the value this Gauge object should display
Public propertyValueString