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ColumnPreferences Properties DataPA OpenAnalytics
DataPA OpenAnalytics API Reference

The ColumnPreferences type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property forceTrailingZeros
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether all labels should have the number of decimal digits specified by numberDecimals, even if it requires trailing zeros.
Public property formatNumericValues
Gets and sets a value that indicates if numeric values on the Y Axis should be formatted.
Public property numberDecimals
Gets and sets a value that indicates the number of decimal places that should be used for values represented on the Y Axis.
Public property numberDecimalsYAxis
Gets and sets a value that indicates the number of decimal places that should be used for labels on the Y Axis.
Public property numericPrefix
Gets and sets the numeric prefix (text before the data value) that will be used in labels on the Y Axis.
Public property numericSuffix
Gets and sets the numeric suffix (text after the data value) that will be used in labels on the Y Axis.
Public property ObjectSizes
Gets a dictionary of serialized objects contained in this object, along with their sizes (in bytes)
Public property scalingUnits
Gets and sets a string value that represents the scaling units used to represent the Y Axis label values.
Public property scalingValues
Gets and sets a string value that represents the scaling values used to represent the Y Axis label values.
Public property SuppressThousandSeparator
Gets and sets a property that indicates if numeric values should suppress the thousand separator.
See Also