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Lookup Properties DataPA OpenAnalytics
DataPA OpenAnalytics API Reference

The Lookup type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property Cache
Gets and set a value that indicates if this lookup should be cacjed on the client
Public property CalcFields
Gets and sets the calculation used to populate this lookup
Public property DescriptionField
Gets and sets the name of the description field for this lookup
Public property IgnoreBlanks
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether this lookup will exclude rows with a blank description
Public property IgnoreDuplicates
Gets and sets a value that indicates if this lookup will ignore rows where a row with the same description is already included
Public property IndexField
Gets and sets the name of the index field for this lookup
Public property MultipleSelect
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether the lookup allows multiple values to be selected
Public property Name
Gets and sets the name of this lookup
Public property QueryString
Gets and sets the query string used to populate this lookup
Public property Sort
Gets and sets a value that indicates if the lookup will sort values based on the description
Public property System
Gets and sets the name of the system this lookup belongs to
Public property Table
Gets and set the table this lookup is populated from
Public property UniqueID
Gets and sets the Unique ID that idetifies this lookup
Public property Version
Gets and sets a value that indicates the current version of this lookup
See Also