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YAxis Properties DataPA OpenAnalytics
DataPA OpenAnalytics API Reference

The YAxis type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property forceTrailingZeros
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether all labels should have the number of decimal digits specified by numberDecimals, even if it requires trailing zeros.
Public property formatNumericValues
Gets and sets a value that indicates if numeric values on the Y Axis should be formatted.
Public property maxValue
Gets and sets a value that defines the maximum value for the Y Axis if useMinMaxValues is true
Public property minValue
Gets and sets a value that defines the minimum value for the Y Axis if useMinMaxValues is true
Public property numberDecimals
Gets and sets a value that indicates the number of decimal places that should be used for values represented on the Y Axis.
Public property numberDecimalsYAxis
Gets and sets a value that indicates the number of decimal places that should be used for labels on the Y Axis.
Public property NumericFormatSelectionName
Gets the label used to identify this numeric format provider in the interface
Public property NumericGuiFormat
Gets a GUI format string for this Axis
Public property numericPrefix
Gets and sets the numeric prefix (text before the data value) that will be used in labels on the Y Axis.
Public property numericSuffix
Gets and sets the numeric suffix (text after the data value) that will be used in labels on the Y Axis.
Public property ObjectSizes
Gets a dictionary of serialized objects contained in this object, along with their sizes (in bytes)
Public property Parent
Gets and sets an object that represents the parent of this object.
Public property scalingUnits
Gets and sets a string value that represents the scaling units used to represent the Y Axis label values.
Public property scalingValues
Gets and sets a string value that represents the scaling values used to represent the Y Axis label values.
Public property setAdaptiveYMin
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether or not the minimum value should be 0 or adapt to the minimum value in the data.
Public property SuppressThousandSeparator
Gets and sets a property that indicates if numeric values should suppress the thousand separator.
Public property useMinMaxValues
Gets and sets a value that indicates whether the minimum and maximum values for the Y Axis should be manually set from the minValue and maxValue fields.
Public property yAxisName
Gets and sets the name of the Y Axis as used for the label.
See Also