Progress Connection Details - Tuning

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To configure the tuning options available for the connection you can edit the properties available on the Tuning tab.




TCP Settings


By default the connection between DataPA and the AppServer will timeout after 41 minutes. This can sometimes be a problem if you want to run a query that takes longer than 41 minutes.


If you do then you can change the TCP settings on the connection and control how long it takes for the connection to time out.


This timeout is controlled by two settings which you can set on the Tuning tab.





TCP Client Retry

This property sets the number of times that DataPA should check with the AppServer to see if the request is complete before giving up and terminating the connection to the AppServer.

TCP Client Retry Interval

The amount of time in hundredths of a second that DataPA should wait between checks with the AppServer to see if the request is complete.



By default the TCP Client Retry is set to 1000 and the TCP Client Retry Interval is set to 250.


This calculates as 1000 x 250 = 250,000 hundredths of a second = 2,500 seconds = 41 minutes and 40 seconds.


Compression Settings


By default the connection between DataPA and the AppServer will pass data in an uncompressed form.


If you are running over a slow network then it may be worth using the compression options available on the Tuning tab to enable compression.


Enabling compression will reduce the amount of data being sent between the AppServer and DataPA but the compressing and decompressing process on either end will take a little time.


Therefore therefore is a trade off to be considered when deciding whether or not to use compression.


There are 3 settings available on the Tuning tab which will enable you to set the optimal compression options for your connection.





Enable Compression

This property allows you to choose whether to use compression between DataPA and the AppServer for this connection.

Compression Threshold

This property allows you to control the dataset size threshold at that you want to start using compression at. This allows you to not use it for smaller datasets that may not benefit much from compression. The Use Compression for All Datasets end of the slider means that almost all messages will be compressed from messages of size 256 bytes and above. The Use Compression for Only Big Datasets is at the other end of the scale and allows you to specify that compression should only be used for datasets of 32K and above.

You can also use the slider to choose a range of values in between these two extremes.

Compression Level

This property allows you to control the level of compression used. The higher the level selected on the slider the more compressed the datasets will be, meaning that they are smaller. The more compression you use the longer it will take to compress and decompress the messages. In general the slower your network connection is, the more you will benefit from higher compression.


By default compression is not enabled and when it is the Compression Threshold default to 256 bytes and the Compression Level default to Low Compression.

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